Saturday, July 16, 2016

Turtle Baby Cover and Hat

I found this super cute pattern for $5 here. It took me forever to find the perfect simply soft green because none of the craft stores near me sell simply soft green. They sell every other shade of green, but not plain green. I finally found the color I wanted on Herrschners.

Bluebell Baby Cocoon and Hat

Another item that I've been working on is this super cute Bluebell baby prop. I found the cocoon pattern here and the hat pattern here. I used simply soft for both. The hat can be made in three different sizes for, newborns, 6 months and toddlers

Ear Warmers

I've been working on several items for my new etsy store KamisKraftyCreations. These headbands are some of my favorite items to crochet. There fast and easy and super cute. I got the pattern here. For the flower I only did two layers instead of three because I thought the third layer made it too big.

All of these are available to purchase in my shop.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, March 23, 2015

Unicorn Hat

I made this hat because my roommate Tamari really wanted it. I found the pattern here. I used simply soft for the white part and for some of the colors in the mane, but I used lions brand for some of it as well. I recommend lions brand for all of it because it fluffs better. The main was not as fluffy with simply soft which was annoying. Still turned out good though. Front, back and side

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Disney Hercules

I made this for my roommate. She is in love with the Hercules movie.
I found the pattern online and then just made it into a pillow

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Finished Dad's Project

I finished his project ages ago, but here's the pictures. It is a Settlers of Catan afghan. I got the pattern here. I omitted the little sheep buttons I was going to added them but never did.